04 October 2009

Formatting question.

So, I've been writing. I have an opening chapter and about a third of a second chapter. Now, when I write on my Mac I use teensy weensy font because I like how it looks, but I know my book will have bigger font when it goes for publication. And smaller pages. But does anyone know what a full page in Pages translates to in young adult formatting? Would anyone care to hazard a guess?

I feel like I've gotten a good start until I look at my page count. I've finished a mere 6 pages, but within those six pages are quite a few words. Thoughts?


  1. http://crofsblogs.typepad.com/fiction/2004/12/how_many_pages_.html

    i don't know, but i found an article to tell us :)

  2. From what I've seen, double-space your pages and put it in Times New Roman for actually submitting the piece to a publisher... but as for what it translates to in a book? I have no idea. But yay for the link Meghan found!
